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Verderair double diaphragm pumps

The Verderair diaphragm pumps are the best solution for applications that require more than fluid transfer. Also liquids containing solids, viscous or sticky media will be handled without problems.

The Verderair diaphragm pump series offer a wide range of wetted materials, varying from metallic (aluminium, cast iron and stainless steel) to non-metallic (Acetal, Polypropylene, Kynar, conductive Polypropylene, Polyethylene, PTFE). Verderair air operated diaphragm pumps are easily installed and easy to maintain. They are excellent calamity and emergency pumps, up to 1200 l/min, up to 16 bar. The complete range of Verderair and Verderair Pure air operated double diaphragm pumps are the most efficient pumps of its kind on the market.

For more information please visit www.verderair.com


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